Old and new Uber Eats customers, order KEBUKE signature black tea and get rewards!

Old and new Uber Eats customers, order KEBUKE signature black tea and get rewards!


“Tonight, I feel like a little… KEBUKE Bubble Milk Tea without ice.”

To add to the well-known dual spokesperson ads that Uber Eats put out earlier this year, we now present a limited-time offer for purchases of KEBUKE signature black tea.

◼︎ Existing customers: Enter code “KEBUKE 60”
• Feb. 14 (Fri.) to Feb. 23 (Sun.), make a purchase of NT$299 to enjoy an NT$60 discount.

◼︎ New customers: Enter code “KEBUKE 200”
• Feb. 14 (Fri.) to Jun. 30 (Tues.), seven days after entering the code, make a KEBUKE purchase to immediately receive two NT$100 discounts.


可不可x Uber Eats|大杯飲品買一送一🥤


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