Celebrating the Launch of K’Lub! 15th Anniversary Limited-Time Offer 【Updated Prize Draw Announcement】

Celebrating the Launch of K’Lub! 15th Anniversary Limited-Time Offer 【Updated Prize Draw Announcement】


#Growing Closer with K’Lub! Celebrating the Launch with 15th Anniversary Limited-Time Special Rewards

【15th Anniversary Limited Time Bonus Points】
・Event Period: October 25th – November 7th, 2023
・Event Details: Receive 2 bonus points for every purchase over $300 at our stores.
・Notes: No limit on membership level or frequency. Limited to 1,500 sets. Offer valid while stocks last, no further notice will be given.

【15th Anniversary Limited Scratch Cards】
・Event Period: October 25th – November 7th, 2023
・Event Details: Join our membership program (no level restriction) to receive one 15th Anniversary online scratch card.
・Each person is entitled to one chance only. Limited quantity, available while stocks last.

【Seasoned Friends Lucky Draw】
・Event Period: October 25th – November 14th, 2023
・Event Details: Join our membership program (no level restriction) to enter the lucky draw.
・Prizes: 5 Classic Kebuke Store Card Booklets, 30 15th Anniversary Stainless Steel Eco-Cups (random selection), 50 vouchers for selected drinks.
・Draw Date: Winners will be announced on Kebuke’s official social media platforms and website.

・Updated Draw Announcement on November 17th.
【Limited Edition Classic Kebuke Store Card Booklets】- 5 Winners:李○誼、陳○琪、鄭○斌、李○憬、陳○竹

【15th Anniversary Stainless Steel Eco-Cups】- 30 Winners
W○ Hung○a、蘇○誠、戴○婷、謝○宜、鍾○瓴、陳○文、珮○、楊○威、F○lcon Chiu、卓○政、鄭○芬、潘○宏、孫○勝、游○凱、黃○瑜、林○昇、張○升、李○檍、D○ffy D○ffy、徐○穎、陳○湄、曾○蓉、Z○ang Yi H○ng、黃○怡、曾○鵑、許○綺、劉○宏、許○瑜、張○儒、賴○溥

【Designated Beverage Electronic Experience Vouchers】- 50 Winners
W○ J○ne、賴○蓁、黃○庭、A○y○e、C○ieh H○a L○i、鐘○萱、洪○琳、王○淳、張○琦、H○ieh M○x、涂○茹、張○貞、湯○誠、葉○臻、陳○玫、林○淇、唐○宗、卓○毛、V○nessa、 曾○君、林○沁、呂○惠、陳○萍、洪○雅、B○ Lee、盧○帆、張○方、林○羽、李○軒、謝○廣、王○淨、游○棠、陳○穗、周○娟、劉○諭、吳○芳、張○豪、H○n-W○n Hsu、林○慧、郭○宇、許○嫚、莊○棋、伍○岐、趙○妮、潘○伸、王○祝、莊○倪、戚○文、陳○瑋、吳○群

#Winners have been notified via Ocard message push. We kindly ask the winners to follow the above instructions and complete the prize collection reply within the specified period. Failure to do so will be considered as forfeiture, and alternative winners may be drawn. Non-winners will not receive further notification. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.


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